2020-09-05 11:06:08 -04:00
templates Add ingress for Unifi controller sevice when not using the unified service. (#22703) 2020-09-04 23:47:36 -04:00
.helmignore [stable/unifi] unifi controller chart (New chart) (#6426) 2020-09-04 23:47:26 -04:00
Chart.yaml changes to migrate chart to new repo 2020-09-04 23:49:37 -04:00
OWNERS added newline to end of file 2020-09-05 11:06:08 -04:00 changes to migrate chart to new repo 2020-09-04 23:49:37 -04:00
values.yaml Add ingress for Unifi controller sevice when not using the unified service. (#22703) 2020-09-04 23:47:36 -04:00

Ubiquiti Network's Unifi Controller

This is a helm chart for Ubiquiti Network's Unifi Controller.


helm repo add k8s-at-home
helm install k8s-at-home/unifi

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release:

helm install --name my-release stable/unifi

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the my-release deployment:

helm delete my-release --purge

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


The following tables lists the configurable parameters of the Unifi chart and their default values.

Parameter Default Description
image.repository jacobalberty/unifi Image repository
image.tag 5.12.35 Image tag. Possible values listed here.
image.pullPolicy IfNotPresent Image pull policy
strategyType Recreate Specifies the strategy used to replace old Pods by new ones
guiService.type ClusterIP Kubernetes service type for the Unifi GUI
guiService.port 8443 Kubernetes port where the Unifi GUI is exposed
guiService.annotations {} Service annotations for the Unifi GUI
guiService.labels {} Custom labels
guiService.loadBalancerIP {} Loadbalance IP for the Unifi GUI
guiService.loadBalancerSourceRanges None List of IP CIDRs allowed access to load balancer (if supported)
guiService.externalTrafficPolicy Cluster Set the externalTrafficPolicy in the Service to either Cluster or Local
captivePortalService.enabled false Install the captive portal service (needed if you want guest captive portal)
captivePortalService.type ClusterIP Kubernetes service type for the captive portal
captivePortalService.http 8880 Kubernetes port where the captive portal is exposed
captivePortalService.https 8843 Kubernetes port where the captive portal is exposed (with SSL)
captivePortalService.annotations {} Service annotations for the captive portal
captivePortalService.labels {} Custom labels
captivePortalService.loadBalancerIP {} Loadbalance IP for the Unifi GUI
captivePortalService.loadBalancerSourceRanges None List of IP CIDRs allowed access to load balancer (if supported)
captivePortalService.externalTrafficPolicy Cluster Set the externalTrafficPolicy in the Service to either Cluster or Local
captivePortalService.ingress.enabled false Enables Ingress (for the captive portal, the main ingress needs to be enabled for the controller to be accessible)
captivePortalService.ingress.annotations {} Ingress annotations for the captive portal
captivePortalService.ingress.labels {} Custom labels for the captive portal
captivePortalService.ingress.path / Ingress path for the captive portal
captivePortalService.ingress.hosts chart-example.local Ingress accepted hostnames for the captive portal
captivePortalService.ingress.tls [] Ingress TLS configuration for the captive portal
controllerService.type NodePort Kubernetes service type for the Unifi Controller communication
controllerService.port 8080 Kubernetes port where the Unifi Controller is exposed - this needs to be reachable by the unifi devices on the network
controllerService.annotations {} Service annotations for the Unifi Controller
controllerService.labels {} Custom labels
controllerService.loadBalancerIP {} Loadbalance IP for the Unifi Controller
controllerService.loadBalancerSourceRanges None List of IP CIDRs allowed access to load balancer (if supported)
controllerService.externalTrafficPolicy Cluster Set the externalTrafficPolicy in the Service to either Cluster or Local
controllerService.ingress.enabled false Enables Ingress for the controller
controllerService.ingress.annotations {} Ingress annotations for the controller
controllerService.ingress.labels {} Custom labels for the controller
controllerService.ingress.path / Ingress path for the controller
controllerService.ingress.hosts chart-example.local Ingress accepted hostnames for the controller
controllerService.ingress.tls [] Ingress TLS configuration for the controller
stunService.type NodePort Kubernetes service type for the Unifi STUN
stunService.port 3478 Kubernetes UDP port where the Unifi STUN is exposed
stunService.annotations {} Service annotations for the Unifi STUN
stunService.labels {} Custom labels
stunService.loadBalancerIP {} Loadbalance IP for the Unifi STUN
stunService.loadBalancerSourceRanges None List of IP CIDRs allowed access to load balancer (if supported)
stunService.externalTrafficPolicy Cluster Set the externalTrafficPolicy in the Service to either Cluster or Local
discoveryService.type NodePort Kubernetes service type for AP discovery
discoveryService.port 10001 Kubernetes UDP port for AP discovery
discoveryService.annotations {} Service annotations for AP discovery
discoveryService.labels {} Custom labels
discoveryService.loadBalancerIP {} Loadbalance IP for AP discovery
discoveryService.loadBalancerSourceRanges None List of IP CIDRs allowed access to load balancer (if supported)
discoveryService.externalTrafficPolicy Cluster Set the externalTrafficPolicy in the Service to either Cluster or Local
unifiedService.enabled false Use a single service for GUI, controller, STUN, and discovery
unifiedService.type ClusterIP Kubernetes service type for the unified service
unifiedService.annotations {} Annotations for the unified service
unifiedService.labels {} Custom labels for the unified service
unifiedService.loadBalancerIP None Load balancer IP for the unified service
unifiedService.loadBalancerSourceRanges None List of IP CIDRs allowed access to the load balancer (if supported)
unifiedService.externalTrafficPolicy Cluster Set the externalTrafficPolicy in the service to either Cluster or Local
ingress.enabled false Enables Ingress
ingress.annotations {} Ingress annotations
ingress.labels {} Custom labels
ingress.path / Ingress path
ingress.hosts chart-example.local Ingress accepted hostnames
ingress.tls [] Ingress TLS configuration
timezone UTC Timezone the Unifi controller should run as, e.g. 'America/New York'
runAsRoot false Run the controller as UID0 (root user); if set to false, will give container SETFCAP instead
UID 999 Run the controller as user UID
GID 999 Run the controller as group GID
customCert.enabled false Define whether you are using s custom certificate
customCert.isChain false If you are using a Let's Encrypt certificate which already includes the full chain set this to true
customCert.certName tls.crt Name of the the certificate file in <unifi-data>/cert
customCert.keyName tls.key Name of the the private key file in <unifi-data>/cert
customCert.certSecret nil Name of the the k8s tls secret where the certificate and its key are stored.
mongodb.enabled false Use external MongoDB for data storage
mongodb.dbUri mongodb://mongo/unifi external MongoDB URI
mongodb.statDbUri mongodb://mongo/unifi_stat external MongoDB statdb URI
mongodb.databaseName unifi external MongoDB database name
persistence.enabled true Use persistent volume to store data
persistence.size 5Gi Size of persistent volume claim
persistence.existingClaim nil Use an existing PVC to persist data
persistence.subPath `` Store data in a subdirectory of PV instead of at the root directory
persistence.storageClass - Type of persistent volume claim
extraVolumes [] Additional volumes to be used by extraVolumeMounts
extraVolumeMounts [] Additional volume mounts to be mounted in unifi container
persistence.accessModes [] Persistence access modes
extraConfigFiles {} Dictionary containing files mounted to /configmap inside the pod (See values.yaml for examples)
extraJvmOpts [] List of additional JVM options, e.g. ["-Dlog4j.configurationFile=file:/configmap/log4j2.xml"]
resources {} CPU/Memory resource requests/limits
nodeSelector {} Node labels for pod assignment
tolerations [] Toleration labels for pod assignment
affinity {} Affinity settings for pod assignment
podAnnotations {} Key-value pairs to add as pod annotations
deploymentAnnotations {} Key-value pairs to add as deployment annotations

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install. For example,

helm install --name my-release \
  --set timezone="America/New York" \

Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the above parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example,

helm install --name my-release -f values.yaml stable/unifi

Read through the values.yaml file. It has several commented out suggested values.

Regarding the services

  • guiService: Represents the main web UI and is what one would normally point the ingress to.
  • captivePortalService: This service is used to allow the captive portal webpage to be accessible. It needs to be reachable by the clients connecting to your guest network.
  • controllerService: This is needed in order for the unifi devices to talk to the controller and must be otherwise exposed to the network where the unifi devices run. If you run this as a NodePort (the default setting), make sure that there is an external load balancer that is directing traffic from port 8080 to the NodePort for this service.
  • discoveryService: This needs to be reachable by the unifi devices on the network similar to the controller Service but only during the discovery phase. This is a UDP service.
  • stunService: Also used periodically by the unifi devices to communicate with the controller using UDP. See this article and this other article for more information.

Ingress and HTTPS

Unifi does not support HTTP so if you wish to use the guiService, you need to ensure that you use a backend transport of HTTPS.

An example entry in values.yaml to achieve this is as follows:

  enabled: true
  annotations: "HTTPS"