| `guiService.type` | Kubernetes service type for the Unifi GUI | `ClusterIP` |
| `guiService.port` | Kubernetes port where the Unifi GUI is exposed| `8443` |
| `guiService.annotations` | Service annotations for the Unifi GUI | `{}` |
| `guiService.loadBalancerIP` | Loadbalance IP for the Unifi GUI | `{}` |
| `controllerService.type` | Kubernetes service type for the Unifi Controller communication | `NodePort` |
| `controllerService.port` | Kubernetes port where the Unifi Controller is exposed - this needs to be reachable by the unifi devices on the network | `8080` |
| `controllerService.annotations` | Service annotations for the Unifi Controller | `{}` |
| `controllerService.loadBalancerIP` | Loadbalance IP for the Unifi Controller | `{}` |
| `stunService.type` | Kubernetes service type for the Unifi STUN | `NodePort` |
| `stunService.port` | Kubernetes UDP port where the Unifi STUN is exposed | `3478` |
| `stunService.annotations` | Service annotations for the Unifi STUN | `{}` |
| `stunService.loadBalancerIP` | Loadbalance IP for the Unifi STUN | `{}` |
| `discoveryService.type` | Kubernetes service type for AP discovery | `NodePort` |
| `discoveryService.port` | Kubernetes UDP port for AP discovery | `10001` |
| `discoveryService.annotations` | Service annotations for AP discovery | `{}` |
| `discoveryService.loadBalancerIP` | Loadbalance IP for AP discovery | `{}` |
Read through the [values.yaml](values.yaml) file. It has several commented out suggested values.
## Regarding the services
*`guiService`: represents the main web UI and is what one would normally point the ingress to
*`controllerService`: This is needed in order for the unifi devices to talk to the controller and must be otherwise exposed to the network where the unifi devices run. If you run this as a NodePort (the default setting), make sure that there is an external loadbalancer that is directing traffic from port 8080 to the NodePort for this service
*`discoveryService`: This needs to be reachable by the unifi devices on the network similar to the controllerService but only during the discovery phase. This is a UDP service
*`stunService`: Also used periodically by the unifi devices to communicate with the controller using UDP. See [this article](https://help.ubnt.com/hc/en-us/articles/204976094-UniFi-What-protocol-does-the-controller-use-to-communicate-with-the-UAP-) and [this other article](https://help.ubnt.com/hc/en-us/articles/115015457668-UniFi-Troubleshooting-STUN-Communication-Errors) for more information